WAR & PEACE[caption id="attachment_132987" align="alignright" width="200"] Torbjorn Sassersson. Pressfoto: NewsVoice.se[/caption] A comment by the Editor: Why do we publish NATO:s response (transcripted by NATO) in NewsVoice? NATO
Dr. Li-Meng Yan: Plans to Unleash Hemorrhagic Fever Bioweapon
WAR & PEACEWARZONE. Dr. Yan is back on my show to reveal plans to unleash yet another bioweapon, which she believes could have happened at the Olympics.
Jens Stoltenberg Leans on Historical Ignorance – NATO Promised Never to Opress Ukraine
WAR & PEACEDocuments before the end of the Warsaw Pact confirm that any future NATO or US influences over East European politics will not be sought.
Iran’s Hero Qasem Soleimani has Fallen – The World is Destabilised
WAR & PEACEThey say he came from a humble background, and worked himself up the ranks, becoming, as many believe, the second most powerful man in Iran.
Suddenly west is failing to overthrow “regimes” – Andre Vltchek
WAR & PEACEIt used to be done regularly and it worked: The West identified a country as its enemy, unleashed its professional propaganda against it, then administered
John Pilger: Inside the Invisible Government: War, Propaganda, Clinton and Trump
WAR & PEACEThe American journalist, Edward Bernays, is often described as the man who invented modern propaganda. The nephew of Sigmund Freud, the pioneer of psycho-analysis, it