WAR & PEACEEx-MI5 spy/whistleblower Annie Machon on the crimes of the government, and how they are going after innocent people to silence them, so the politicians, bankers,
Richard Cottrell on the murder of Olof Palme, Gladio and Stay Behind in Sweden
WAR & PEACEIn this interview, investigative reporter and former EU parliamentarian Richard Cottrell outlines the possible murderer of the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme in 1986.
High Ranking US Major General Exposes WTC 911
WAR & PEACEAlbert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III is a retired Major General in the United States Army. He was the commanding general of the United States Army
US Military Tests Heat Ray Weapon on Civilians
WAR & PEACEEn reporter från Wired och några andra civila testar att bli beskjutna med amerikanska militärens ickedödande mikrovågsvapen som populärt kallas "The Pain Ray" (el. Heat
Will US have another civil war and become a battleground again?
WAR & PEACEThis video [taken down] is a message to the Police, to the military, to the TSA, to Homeland Security and to members of every other
Former Reagan administration official comments on National Defense Authorization Act
WAR & PEACEhttp://www.youtube.com/embed/eEMDX2iuHyI This might be the biggest news story this year in terms of impacting your future as a free citizen, still the mainstream media doesn't