KRIG & FRED[caption id="attachment_104236" align="alignnone" width="900"] André Vltchek. Foto: Paul S. Graham[/caption] Andre Vltchek, an investigative journalist, explains that: "Indonesia has proven,...
Sökresultat / ResultsStay Behind
Sri Lanka: This battered resplendent isle
WORLD[caption id="attachment_133896" align="alignnone" width="900"] Omar S. Kahn, press photo[/caption] OPINION. The emails and messages keep “pinging,” people asking with earnest...
Russian football hooligans and World War 3
ENGLISHThe European Footboll Championship had just begun when the first war between violent supporters erupted in a stadium. Russian hooligans...
FN:s och WHO:s globala 2030-sexagenda: Barn ska ha sexpartners så tidigt som möjligt
VÄRLDENEn rapport av David Sorenson sammanfattar hur Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) och Förenta Nationerna (FN) propagerar för en gemensam 2030-sexagenda som ska...
Massive ‘Horse’ Lies About Nobel Prize Winning Treatment
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES Text by Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 13, 2021 | Video source: Joe Rogan Tested Postive For COVID-19 & Took...
Omar S. Khan: We are Facing a World Crisis Much Larger than Covid
OPINIONWe are facing a crisis of governance much larger than COVID. The US is experiencing the fastest rate of inflation...
Bashar al-Assad förklarar situationen i Syrien ofiltrerat av västmedia
KRIG & FREDSyriens president Bashar al-Assad intervjuades den 12:e oktober 2016 av Daria Aslamova från den ryska tidningen Komsomolskaya Pravda. NewsVoice översätter och sammanfattar en...
Mike Adams Anticipated a Vaccine Holocaust 5 Months Before the Covid Pandemic Entered
WORLDDULY NOTED. The following video was first published on July 17 in 2019 five months before the outbreak of the...
Are These Findings the Death Blow for Vaccine Passports?
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES While governments around the world are going full steam ahead with plans for vaccine passports, two key things have...
Kometerna hösten 2011 uppfyller Maya-, Hopi- och Kristna profetior
KULTURKOSMOLOGI. Många människor har hört om det kommande inträdet till det inre solsystemet av komet Elenin och Honda nu i...