This video [taken down] is a message to the Police, to the military, to the TSA, to Homeland Security and to members of every other enforcement arm of the government in the USA, says StormCloudsGathering. It might as well be an open message to the law enforcers of Syria, China, Italy, Greece, Spain, or UK.
Security police and army personnel changed sides in Syria, to fight for the people. Is that the next for the US to go? Maybe not. It’s hard to believe there will be a civil war in the US. But then again North America had a civil war once and those who fought for the freedom of the slaves won. This time the general public domain claim they have become slaves of a corrupt and criminal government.
So far it’s the police that expressed forms of violence against peaceful crowds across the US. How long will it take until the people had enough? Will North America once again become a country in war like last time or like Syria today?
Text: Torbjorn Sassersson
Dude, if you’re going to write in English, get someone to proof it for you. Even the headline is wrong (it’s the US, not just US).