I’m not part of the vaccine debate about whether they cause autism. I don’t have kids and frankly, I really don’t care. But it is one of those controversies that piques my interest because the basic structure of the controversy is so similar to others that I have covered. It is an area shrouded in misinformation, beliefs and confusion because it isn’t immediately clear what source of information can be trusted. There is an establishment side that relies on one set of facts and controversial side that relies on another.
Text: Craig Weiler
The debate heated up very recently because apparently there is a whistleblower at the Center for Disease Control. He had been operating anonymously, but he’s been recently outed and immediately fired. This is the man in question per this blog.
Celia Farber is covering this story as it develops on her blog.
Ytterligare bevis som ramlar in på sanningskontot för att vi med foliehatt har haft rätt hela tiden. Det börjar ta sig.
Skämt åsido när ska mainstream media och myndigheter se att de befinner sig på ett sjunkande skepp? Ju snabbare sanningen kan komma fram desto bättre för alla de barn som står inför att vaccineras.
De som haft fel får förlåtelse men de inom medicinmaffian som medvetet förstört människors liv måste dock ställas till svars. Låt oss lägga den snedvrida synen på människan och hälsa bakom oss och gå vidare mot en hel värld tillsammans.