IS rekryterar soldater på svensk radiokanal i 30 minuter – Unikt

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publicerad 11 november 2017
- NewsVoice redaktion
Jihadister i Sverige...
Jihadister i Sverige...
Jihadister i Sverige…

Nyheten att den svenska radiokanalen Mix Megapol kapades under fredagen har nått internationella medier. Flera tidningar skriver om tilltaget när lokala IS-aktivister kapade radiostationen under 30 minuter. IS försökte med sången rekrytera IS-soldater till Sverigedivisionen.

SvD skriver att det är första gången på 20 år som någon kapat en svensk radiokanal, enligt Lars Eklund, enheten för spektrumtillsyn, PTS. Efter händelsen sitter Mix Megapol i krismöte.

”Vi kommer att polisanmäla händelsen och rapportera den till Post- och Telestyrelsen. En intern utredning är påbörjad”, säger Jakob Gravestam, marknadsdirektör på Bauer Media.

”Vid 8.35 avbröts den vanliga sändningen och plötsligt fick radiolyssnarna höra låten ”For the sake of Allah” i etern. Påpassliga lyssnare som kände igen låten vet att den används som propaganda för att rekrytera folk till terrorgruppen Islamiska Staten”. – Expressen

”The song includes lyrics which aim to lure Westerners into joining IS, and speaks of temptations including maidens waiting in paradise for fighters.” – RT

Text: NewsVoice

Låten som Mix Megapol spelade upp i 30 minuter


For the sake of Allah
We’ll march to the gate
Of the paradise
Where our maidens await

We are men that love death
Just as you love your life
We are the soldiers that fight
In the day and the night
We are the soldiers that fight
In the day and the night.

Going forth
Preparing to roar
Are the brothers of light
With kufar in SIGHT
Their ranks are many
And weapons are heavy
But the soldiers of Allah
Are more than ready.
But The Soldiers of Allah
Are More than Ready

For the sake of Allah
We’ll march to the gate
Of the paradise
Where our maidens await
We are men that love death
Just as you love your life
We are soldiers that fight
In the day and the night
We are soldiers that fight
In the day and the night

Defending the pride
Of our sisters who have cried
For fearing none
But the Almighty as ONE
Their voices motivated
The men who migrated
To fulfill the duty
Of making GOD words
To fulfill the duty
Of making GOD words

For the sake of Allah
We’ll march to the gate
Of the paradise
Where our maidens await
We are men that love death
Just as you love your life
We are soldiers that fight
In the day and the night
We are soldiers that fight
In the day and the night

O my brothers
O my brothers
JIHAD is the way
To bring back
Of our glorious days
The promise of Allah will always remain
That fighting for His sake
That fighting for His sake

For the sake of Allah
We’ll march to the gate
Of the paradise
Where our maidens await
We are men that love death
Just as you love your life
We are soldiers that fight
In the day and the night
We are soldiers that fight
In the day and the night

NOW the time has come
For the battles to be won
SHAHADA on our tangues
As our hearts beat as ONE
The SUNNAH is alive
KHILAFAH on the Rise
The FLAG of tawheed
Shining Bright
Before our eyes
The FLAG of tawheed
Shining Bright
Before our eyes

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