The Norwegian who was put in prison for announcing a coming pedophile ring shit storm

publicerad 5 juli 2019
Thomas Hansen, privat foto
Thomas Hansen, privat foto

TRAFFICKING. Yesterday a Norwegian ex banker, official, former minister of fisheries, current freemason and politician was sentenced to five years in prison after he used three asylum-seeking refugees for private sexual exploitation. This is just a part of a bigger problem says Thomas Hansen who found advanced sex and pedophile trafficking rings in Norway.

When Thomas Hansen went public and announced he was going to reveal distasteful information about pedophiles and sex trafficking in Norway he was apprehended by the police and put in prison for 6 months. The prosecutor claims he made bomb threats, but Hansens says he only announced the ignition of a coming shit storm of information. Later he fled the country and his defense lawyer has warned him never to return to Norway. NewsVoice interviewed Thomas Hansen by mail in June, 2019.

Interview by Torbjorn Sassersson, NewsVoice | Watch Thomas Hansen’s comments on his YouTube channel

NewsVoice: Thomas Hansen, tell us a little about how you came in contact with subject of sex trafficking in Norway.

How I got in interested in sex trafficking and prostitution, is a question that is difficult for me to answer without disclosing the identity of some people whom I do not want to disclose. But I have been passionately interested in sex trafficking my entire adult life, due to personal reasons. I have never bought sex myself though, and I don’t think I’ve ever had sex with a prostitute, but every time I read how Jesus treated prostitutes I become very emotional.

Prostitutes are unfortunately considered the ”scum of the earth”, I want to show others it is the wrong way to look at things. I have had many both current and former prostitutes as my friends over the time, both male and female prostitutes, and some of the stories they have told me makes me want to cry, and I want to make a difference.

I have been very outspoken and committed to making others perceive former and current prostitutes as human beings with the same value as everybody else. Unfortunately though, a lot of people disagree with me. If anything, I hope this case against Svein Ludvigsen might help me to change this perception.

NewsVoice: What is the story on Marion case about? Her tormentors seem to be connected to Norway. 

Marion started working in the sex industry in her early 20s at Baltazar Budoar, a famous ”high class” brothel that existed in Norway in the late 90s and early 2000. She worked at Baltazar for 5 years. Later she was raped in Spain, by one of her (Norwegian) neighbours, who drugged her on GHB (rape drug), and kept her drugged for several weeks, while raping her several times every day.

She finally managed to get on her feet, and out of the apartment, where she was given help. Spanish police wanted to arrest this perpetrator, but he fled to Norway, where as far as I know, he is still a free man. Even though Spanish police have sent an arrest warrant for him, wanting to arrest him for an ”extreme case of rape” in Spain. Besides from that, it is difficult for me to disclose much about Marion, without revealing her identity. Obviously Marion is not her real name.

NewsVoice: I have understod that you digged deep into this swamp and that you found out connections between the sex trafficking market and their customers that happened to be politicians amongst others. Can you please tell us if your research is in anyway connected to the revelation of a sex trafficking network in Norway, 2016?

If Svein Ludvigsen [the former minister of fisheries] was directly involved in the dark room scandals from 2016, I wouldn’t know. However, sexual predators are like cockroaches, gathering in huge numbers, behind closed doors, in dark rooms. And they are never alone. They always have many friends, who shares their twisted and distorted ideas of ”love”. However, immediately somebody turns on the light in one of these dark rooms, they run like scared chickens.

They also recognize each other, due to their morals, and in such a way arguably have ”sex-predator radars”, allowing them to see each other, often across the internet, without ever having physically met. Their moral belief system is obsessed around the idea of that ”there’s nothing wrong with us, we love children”. This leads them to often display public attempts at de-emphasising the grief they are causing to their victims, and also sometimes flat out blame their victims for their actions.

Once you know what to look for, and I do, recognizing them is easy, since they’re obsessed with explaining that ”this is no sin”, or ”it’s a sexual orientation”, or ”it’s normal, we simply provide sexual education to our children”, etcetera. Making one of these predators actually realize the harm they are causing, is almost impossible, even when you catch him red handed which is something Ludvigsen’s explanation to the court today very accurately shows.

But believe me, I happen to know very well the cost of their actions. And when a teenage girl starts washing with steel brushes, carves off skin with a kitchen knife, or starves herself almost to death, because she wants to feel that ”she is in control over her body”, or ”clean away that which she feels she can never wash away”, there is a very real cost to their behaviour. One sexual predator can also often destroy hundreds of lives during his life time.

Stopping this behaviour, should be priority 1, 2 and 3 for humanity. And the way you stop it, is by smoking them out, the same way you smoke out cockroaches, by simply turning on the light. Study them, smoke em’ out, and let the courts exterminate them. If that doesn’t work, out them in the public space like I did with Ludvigsen. Humanity needs to collectively say that this is not okay!

NewsVoice: How did the authorities in Norway react when you started snooping around?

I was arrested multiple times. Every time I was arrested, they were obsessed by taking my IT equipment, and the charges against me were always in the category of ”speech crimes”. Once I was convicted and sentenced to six months of prison time.

The last time I was arrested, I had three tires punctured on my car when I came out, and my partner and girlfriend almost drove off the road before she realized that somebody had sabotaged the car. That became enough for us, and we left Norway that same evening, for never to return again.

Later I called my lawyer who told me; ”If you come back to Norway, they’ll probably find some excuse to arrest you for a very, very, very long time”.

Their methods were always the same; First they would smear me in the media, and lie about what I had said. Then I’d be arrested, and they would take all my IT equipment. Their motives was obviously to make sure I wouldn’t tell anybody what I knew. You can see some footage from my last arrest here.

This happened only some days after I had gotten the Minister of Justice to comment on the ”Marion” interview. I was arrested. The day after the above arrest, my car was sabotaged and my girlfriends could had killed herself driving it.

Every time they let me out though, I got hold of new computers and phones to make sure I would be able to blog and film. At one point my local police station had taken six cell phones from me and four computers, including the power adapter to my shaving machine. Some of my articles I wrote from the local library in this period.

NewsVoice: Have your work and digging been used by the mainstream media in Norway?

Most of the things I wrote have been taken down. Either through censorship, or because I chose to take them down myself, because my articles created trouble for me, and made it impossible for me to find a job, etc. However, here is how my own local media wrote about some of my articles.

Notice, the above articles are not an accurate description of my articles, but rather more or less fabrications, and/or gross exaggerations. For instance Thoresen took a blogger who had written 117 articles where he ”apologised pedophilia” in defense, and he wrote his speech of defense as comments on my girlfriend’s Facebook profile, so I asked him a simple question, which was as follows; ”Are you a pedophile?” This resulted in more than 1000 comments on my girlfriend’s Facebook wall, and culminated in that my local newspaper wrote about it as if I had ”accused him of pedophilia”.

Sorry for saying the obvious, but when a person is publicly defending pedophilia, asking the question I did is an obvious response. Sure, it might have been ”brutally direct”, but my personal experiences about these things, is that pedophiles often tends to minimize the damage of pedophilia themselves in the public room, in an attempt to rally public consent for accepting it as a ”sexual orientation”. Which I find revolting myself, having seen the damage this does to children and individuals, often destroying their entire lives.

What people also don’t tend to realize, is that by defending the perpetrator, one also unwillingly often tends to increase the feeling of guilt among the victims.

NewsVoice: Could you please explain exactly why the police arrested you in the first place? What did they have on you, to be able to prosecute you and what was the charge, in their own words? 

Their reasons for initially arresting me, was because they claimed I had put forth bomb threats. The video below for instance, was ”translated” into Norwegian. The last sentence in the video, where I say ”Buckle up and getting ready for the biggest shit storm humanity has ever seen”, was translated into Norwegian such that it became ”I will detonate the biggest ammonium nitrate bomb throughout history”.

I was convicted for having put forth bomb threats, and I spent 6 months in jail because of the lies of my local media. The way they did it, was to first have YouTube take the video down and censor it, for then to have my local media inform the public about what the video displayed, all of which was fabrications and lies.

Watch the video yourself, and tell me if this is a ”bomb threat”.

The only reason why the video is currently available, is because I told the police I wanted to retry my case, and I needed access to the video. So I was given access to the video, and uploaded it to YouTube again. Of course at this point, I had already spent six months in prison because of the video, and had also been harassed for 13 months before that because of what ”everybody thought the video displayed”.

If YouTube hadn’t censored my video, it would have been impossible to convict me. When it was censored, only some 25 people had actually seen the video, but the entire country believed it contained ”bomb threats”, because that was what the media told them it contained. Sure, one might ask questions about the video’s header, but at that time, I wanted to speak with the police, since I actually thought they could help me, with the things I knew about politicians and government officials in Norway. God was I naive …

NewsVoice: When you said: ”Buckle up and getting ready for the biggest shit storm humanity has ever seen”, what exactly was you referring to? What information was about to be disclosed or did you even have the chance to disclose it since you were arrested?

I never had the chance to disclose it, and in a way, you might argue that I wanted to tell the police, since I had known the story about ’Marion’ at that time for almost a decade, plus many other things I knew at that time too. However, due to the reaction of the police, I rapidly realized it was impossible to disclose anything to them, unless you also disclosed it to the ”entire world at the same time”. But yes, the idea was obviously to ”publicly display powerful people’s dirty laundry” you might say.

NewsVoice: When you fled Norway, where did you go and where did you end up? Are you still together with your girlfriend and is your new life secure and better?

Thomas Hansen, privat foto
Thomas Hansen, privat foto

I moved to Cyprus almost three years ago. The last time I spoke with my lawyer which was some two years ago, he said that if I ever came back to Norway, I should expect being arrested, and having to spend a very, very, very long time in jail, or possibly even at a psychiatric hospital, and that I should stay as far away from Norway as I could.

I have been living in Cyprus now for almost three years, and I thrive here, and I have picked up the remaining pieces from my life, and I am currently working as a software developer.

These types of wounds requires years of healing, and in many ways though, I suffer from the same traumas and problems as rape and sex victims do, since I too very well know the feeling of ”not being the owner of your body”, and have others ”have their will with you, using force”, etc … If anything, my own experiences have only made me more determined in my cause, since I now know very well the type of suffering rape victims and sex victims are struggling with.

I am still together with my girlfriend. In many ways, we have waded through hell together. In fact, she is the one filming the police during my last arrest in Norway.

NewsVoice: Thanks for the interview.

Watch Thomas Hansen’s comments on his YouTube channel


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