VÄRLDENUKRAINE WAR. There is a smoke screen put in place to divert the public as well as Big Media and the politicians from understanding the
The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to be discovered
WAR & PEACE“In war, truth is the first casualty.” This quote has been attributed to Aeschylus, a 6th BCE Greek tragedian noted for his “copious use of imagery,
Swedish Speaker of The House Slips about Next Weapons Shipment to Ukraine
WAR & PEACEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDrU3vFySm0 SWEDEN. During a recent video conference in the Swedish Parliament, the Swedish speaker of The House Andreas Norlén publicly told president Zelensky that he
Jimmy Dore: Big Media Hides US’ Desire to Stop a Gas Pipeline, Stimulate Weapons Sales and Get Ukraine into NATO
WAR & PEACE"While the mainstream US media chant with one voice for war and to place full responsibility for the Ukraine crisis on Russia, a cursory investigation
National Defense Strategy Includes Lessons Learned From Past 6 Months
WAR & PEACEThe Defense Department is learning from the experiences of the past six months as Russia built up troops around Ukraine and then invaded the country,
Address by President Putin about NATO and the Ukraine Conflict
WAR & PEACE[caption id="attachment_132987" align="alignright" width="200"] Torbjorn Sassersson. Pressfoto: NewsVoice.se[/caption] A comment by the Editor: Why do we publish Putin's Kreml article in NewsVoice? Kreml did not