Forskare: Vad är egentligen en ”förvillare”?

VETENSKAP OCH FOLKBILDNINGSkojsajten Årets Förvillare har, efter ett par månaders öppen omröstning, utnämnt Hanno Essén till sin nye förvillare. Han tillerkänns därmed en framskjuten plats i Hall of

Dave Allen – Haunted house

HUMORDave Allen (1936–2005) was an Irish comedian, very popular in Great Britain, Australia, USA and Canada in the 1960s and 1970s. His career had a

Corona Hole, April 28, 2011. Image credit: NASA

Alleged cosmic events creates wild specualtions on the World Wild Web

RYMDFARTWild mindless speculations and pseudoscience or scientfic based hypothesis? It's hard to say. You have to dig into every claim and find out for yourself. It's definitely wild and engaging. The world wide web is flooded by alternative views of all kinds and it accelerate due to the growing use of the web and technical audio-video equipment making everybody into journalists and whistleblowers.

Richard Dolan Interview on The Day Before Disclosure

utkastRichard Dolan is a historian whose study of the Cold War led him into the broader context of secrecy and national security, and finally into the study of UFOs. His book, UFOs and the National Security State, is his first book.

Christer Perfjell, selfie

SvD Video: Psykologisk salong om medvetandet

KULTUR[caption id="attachment_99878" align="alignright" width="400"] Christer Perfjell, selfie[/caption] Vad är medvetandet? Idagsidans samtalspanel om medvetandet drog nästan 300 personer till Rotundan på Stadsbiblioteket i Stockholm torsdag

Monsanto och Blackwater infiltrerade miljöorganisationer

VÄRLDENDet multinationella ökända kemi- och genteknikföretaget Monsanto köpte under 2010 tjänster av det likaså ökända krigsföretaget Blackwaters hemliga underrättelsetjänstfunktion, Total Intelligence Solutions, TIS, avslöjade tidningen