utkastIn the wake of a number of Mohave County residents testing positive for heavy metal toxicity, a group has formed on Facebook to pursue a class-action lawsuit.
Rick Falkvinge founder of Pirate Party movement honored as Top Global Thinker
utkastForeign Policy is honoring me as one of the world’s 100 most important thinkers this year. I’m a bit taken aback by that, Rick Falkvinge
Professor Johan Thyberg: Vaccination mot papillomvirus och cancer – en dyr och osäker satsning
HÄLSAKostnaderna är enorma och resultaten osäkra, skriver professor Johan Thyberg. Priset har diskuterats världen över på grund av kopplingar mellan medlemmar i Nobelförsamlingen vid Karolinska institutet,
Rand Paul Blocks Attempt to Sneak Through Dangerous Amendment
WORLDOn Thursday night, Senator Rand Paul blocked passage of an amendment that would have allowed the government to indefinitely detain American citizens until Congress declares
Former Reagan administration official comments on National Defense Authorization Act
WAR & PEACEhttp://www.youtube.com/embed/eEMDX2iuHyI This might be the biggest news story this year in terms of impacting your future as a free citizen, still the mainstream media doesn't
Petter’s rap version of ”Krafter vi aldrig känner” – Adolphson & Falk
MUSIK"Man skulle kunna säga att han [Petter] hade oddsen emot sig, med tanke på en dyslexi som förvandlade ord till svårtolkade bokstavssoppor och en ADHD