KRIG & FREDDen tidigare franska ledaren insisterade på att diplomati med Moskva förblir det mest försiktiga alternativet för Ukraina för att avsluta den nuvarande konflikten. "Det finns 500.000 döda i detta krig".
Baya Osborn: The US has No Moral Authority to Use Force to Change the Niger Leadership
AFRICAThe reality has finally set in for Western powers that Niger is moving away from the colonial manipulation, aggression, and exploitation it has faced in the past.
US-Swedish Military Exercise with a Strategic Message to Russia
WAR & PEACENewsVoice reports from Archipelago Endeavor 23, a joint exercise between the Second Amphibious Battalion and US Marines.
Baya Osborn: A Two-Year Transition to Gabon Elections is Not Reasonable
AFRICA"A 24-month transition period may give the junta-appointed government too much time to consolidate power and suppress opposition."
Analysis by Germán Gorraiz López: The Oil Dependent Europeans
ECONOMYThe Oil Dependent Europeans combined with unusual droughts and floods in the traditional world breadbaskets and the consequent application of restrictions on the export of
Debatt: Byts kronan mot euron får vi överstatlighet, stigande priser och mindre kontroll
EKONOMI"En gemensam penningpolitik leder till en gemensam EU-skatt som på sikt leder till en superstat. Det är en fara för demokratin."