MUSIKLenny Kravitz (1964-) senaste musikvideo (han la upp den i natt kl 2) kommer från hans album Black and White...
Sökresultat / ResultsAmerica's Frontline Doctors
John Pilger: ”Silencing America as it prepares for war”
WAR & PEACEIn this article the investigative journalist John Pilger paints a dire picture of the present geopolitical status in the world...
Fredrik Reinfeldt blir rådgivare för Bank of America Merrill Lynch
EKONOMIFredrik Reinfeldt går in i storbanksindustrin som seniorrådgivare, närmare bestäm till Bank of America Merrill Lynch, en av världens största...
Where is America’s Solidarity Following Baghdad Attacks?
ENGLISHBen Swann. "The last few days have been especially deadly in terms of terror attacks around the world. But if...
Vad då ”America first”? – Rune Barnéus kommenterar Trumps fotavtryck
VÄRLDEN"Jag har ett problem som förföljer mig varje dag: jag tycker Donald Trump gör ett bra jobb. Vad är det...
“False Flag Terrorism” to Sustain America’s “Humanitarian” Agenda
VÄRLDENIn late May 2014, President Obama rolled out his foreign policy initiatives at West Point and said nothing new. Every...
‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES"Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an...
Medical Doctors: Real Covid Death Rate in Sweden 2020 was Less than the Annual Influenza
AGA WILSON SHOWCOVID-19 SWEDEN. In this episode, Swedish Dr. Hanna Åsberg and Professor Björn Hammarskjöld discuss the situation in Sweden. The country...
The Giant, Underestimated Earthquake Threat to North America
utkastThe enormous fault off ?the coast of the Pacific Northwest has been silent for three centuries. But after years of...
Abby Martin on glyphosate and Monsanto, America’s Monster
"Few corporations in the world are as loathed—and as sinister—as Monsanto. But the threat it poses to people and planet...