BOTA CANCEREvangelos Michelakis på University of Alberta in Edmonton i Canada och hans kollegor testade dikloracetat (dichloroacetate, DCA) på mänskliga celler och fann att det dödade lungcancer-, bröstcancer-
Mobile phones and cancer risks: Scientists manipulated research on brain tumour risk for children
ELEKTROSMOGOn July 28th a study on brain tumour risks for children who use mobile phones was presented with press-releases to media claiming the results were
Anticancer – Natural defenses in preventing and treating cancer
BOTA CANCERDr David Servan-Schreiber was diagnosed with brain cancer. He then confronted what medicine knows about cancer and the body's natural cancer fighting capacities. Therefore Servan-Schreiber
Cancer cure: The brilliant cure FDA tried to shut down – doctor wins 14 year legal battle
BOTA CANCERBurzynski, the Movie is the story about Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski a medical doctor and biochemist who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal
Kinesisk forskning – Mobilen ökar risken för cancer
ELEKTROSMOGForskare i Kina har funnit bevis på kraftig ökning av risken för cancer på öronspottkörteln. Undersökningen är den största hittills på kopplingen mellan öronspottkörtelcancer och
Mike Adams Interviews Charlotte Gerson on reversing cancer
HEALTH & LIFESTYLEA fascinating interview with a legend of the self-healing anti-cancer industry. Contains many fascinating bits of information about the cancer industry and natural cancer remedies and cures.