RYMDFART"Astronomers have discovered the closest rocky planet outside our solar system, which is larger than Earth and a - potential gold mine of science data",
LA Times: ”Found: A massive world with four suns”
VETENSKAPLA TIMES. Astronomers have discovered a giant planet with four suns just 125 light-years from Earth. The exoplanet is at least 10 times as big
NASA har hittat 4900 exoplaneter men inga grodor
RYMDFARTAtt det kanske bara finns bakterier på andra planeter i universum blir en allt mer ålderdomlig uppfattning. Så här långt har NASA observerat 4900 exoplaneter och 1795
Guardian: ”Most Earth-like planet ever discovered could be a cosy home for alien life”
VETENSKAPTHE GUARDIAN. An alien world that orbits a distant star in the constellation of Lyra may be the most Earth-like planet ever found outside the
Gliese 832c – en av de mest jordlika planeterna som någonsin upptäckts
VETENSKAPForskare har lagt till ytterligare en planet i ett annat solsystem till kategorin "potentiellt bebolig exoplanet" dvs en jordliknande planet med möjlighet till liv. Planeten heter Gliese
NASA Discovers First Earth-Size Exoplanet in Habitable Zone
VETENSKAPUsing NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered the first Earth-size planet orbiting a star in the "habitable zone" -- the range of distance from