Reversing the Irreversible – How innate healing powers cured ”incurable” diseases

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publicerad 6 februari 2012
- NewsVoice redaktion

Valya Boutenko’s newest film release reveals the true story of how 37 people reversed so-called ”incurable” disease by unleashing their innate healing powers. Flying in the face of conventional medical wisdom — which really isn’t wise at all — this film celebrates the simple yet powerful truths about reversing chronic disease that the established medical system won’t dare talk about.

Text: Mike Adams

In this film, 37 participants share their remarkable stories about suffering from ”incurable” chronic diseases like fibromyalgia, psoriasis, diabetes, colitis, edema and many more. Each one of these participants reversed chronic disease using simple methods of living foods nutrition that anyone can make part of their daily living.

Through an exclusive arrangement with Valya Boutenko, this film is now available for instant streaming from NaturalNews.TV, the internet’s fastest-growing library of natural health films, documentaries and user-created videos.

Watch the preview: Reversing the Irreversible

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Tags: cureshealing