Manifestation for Freedom and Truth in Stockholm – Small but Positive and Energetic

publicerad 2 maj 2021
- Aga Wilson
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COVID TIMES. The people that took part at the event in Stockholm on the first of May are generally critical of the corona restrictions, risky experimental vaccines, the expansion of globalism, and diminishing democratic values.

The commons goals are freedom of speech, free debate (all relevant perspectives must be represented), press freedom (no censorship), medical freedom (no forced vaccinations), health freedom (available alternative medical treatment for everyone), the aim for the best solutions (whatever they may be), knowledge (instead of disinformation) and the practice of genuine science (since science never should be politicized).

The Swedish political commentator Oisín Cantwell at Aftonbladet could not hold back his horses and called the protesters for cuckoos in his column: ”What if the cuckoos get it right?”. The general message of his piece is, don’t trust these people, or something along those lines. The establishment is trying to keep its foothold.

People are becoming stronger as they get together to fight along for the same goals, said one participator. People from all walks of life are in the making of a new type of including grassroots movement.

 Reporter: Aga Wilson, NewsVoice. Text and video: Torbjorn Sassersson.

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