KRIG & FREDEn ny utredning vid det ryska parlamentet (Duman,) bekräftar förekomsten av hemliga underjordiska biolaboratorier vilka ryska trupper våren 2022 upptäckte i republikerna Lugansk och Donetsk kort efter inledandet av den ryska interventionen.
Kristoffer Hell
NY Times Presents Alternative Nord Stream Narrative – Signalling End to Further Military Support for Kyiv
ENGLISHIn an article, the New York Times adds insult to injury by making connections between a number of potential war crimes against the Russian Federation and the alleged pro-Ukrainian group.
Book review of ”Deep Undercover” by Jack Barsky former KGB spy
WAR & PEACEDeep Undercover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America is the autobiography of "Jack Barsky," an East German star student
Why Sweden and Finland Want to Join NATO – Promised Part of Russia?
WAR & PEACEWARZONE. During an interview with the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR), Major-general Kyrylo Budanov (37) in December 2022, two journalists from the Kyiv-based
Government of Sweden to Stand Trial for Persecuting Vaccine Sceptics
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES"I wanted to believe that they were genuine. They said they were vaccine sceptics and wanted to do a documentary about it. I really thought
The Swedish Spy Stories Continues – 1960 to 2022
WAR & PEACEANALYSIS. Two Swedish nationals were, on 11 November 2022, charged with spying for Russia - in a trial that got off the ground seven years