WORLDالثقافة. يمكننا أن نتوقع السويد المضطربة إذا قررت الحكومة إدخال جوازات سفر لقاح إلزامية عندما يتحد السويديون العرقيون والسويديون الجدد من أجل مقاومة مشتركة لقمع
Sweden: Chinese gargle tests for Covid-19 infected by microorganisms
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESThree microbiologists in Sweden found that all Chinese gargle samples tested for Covid19 were heavily contaminated with millions of live microorganisms. The gargle samples will
Swedish Freedom Movement – Interview with Max Winter
WORLDWORLD. Aga Wilson interviewed the founder of the Swedish Freedom Movement. Winter explains the driving forces, the reasons for it, the base in Natural Law,
Aga Wilson interviews Polly Tommey Producer of Vaxxed Documentary
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESPolly Tommey is one of the producers of the documentary Vaxxed. She was interviewed by Aga Wilson in Free Voice, a NewsVoice show.
Dr Mercola: 11 of 15 fully vaccinated got Covid-19
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESIt wasn’t supposed to happen: A fully vaccinated individual who thought they were protected from COVID-19 was diagnosed with the virus after attending a party
57 Top Scientists and Doctors: Stop All Covid Vaccinations
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESA group of 57 leading scientists, doctors, and policy experts has released a report calling in to question the safety and efficacy of the current