SVERIGEFokumlah sitter inne på flera pusselbitar för hur integrationen mellan svarta och vita kan bli smidigare i Sverige. Han har två barn med en svensk kvinna.
César Hidalgo: Bypass politicians allowing citizens to create personalized AI representatives
VÄRLDEN "César Hidalgo has a radical suggestion for fixing our broken political system: automate it! In this provocative talk, he outlines a bold idea to
James O’Keefe on deboosting – the latest Facebook backlash
MEDIAJames O'Keefe from Project Veritas summons the latest scoop on the Facebook deboosting documents proving Facebook tries to control opinions, narratives and you. "This week
Facebook suppress free speech, defends deboosting and degrades insider – O’Keefe fires back
MEDIAImmediately after Project Veritas revealed how Facebook suppress free speech, Facebook reacts as expected by degrading the insider.
John Stossel: The Truth About Climate Change
KLIMAT MILJÖ NATURSome thoughts from the comments field: "As a scientist, it saddens me to see so many people focused on the wrong questions here. It isn't
Reason TV: ”Sweden is Not a Socialist Success”
SWEDEN"Democratic socialists in the United States point to Sweden as a socialist success. But Swedish historian Johan Norberg says, "Sweden is not socialist." Norberg hosts