WAR & PEACERT.com. The Russian Lower House speaker wants to instigate an international investigation into the 1945 nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US military
UKIP’s Nigel Farage voted ‘Briton of the Year’
WORLDRT.com. The Times named Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party 'Briton of the Year, ' calling him a game-changing politician who broke into and
SVT Nyhetsredaktion är ojämn och brister i trovärdighet
MEDIAEfter SVTs uppträdande under svininfluensan borde man inte bli förvånad över att dess nyhetsredaktion under nyvalspalavret uppträder både okvalificerat och tendentiöst. SVT´s olika agerande under
Russia launches ‘wartime government’ HQ in major military upgrade
WAR & PEACERT.COM. Russia is launching a new national defense facility, which is meant to monitor threats to national security in peacetime, but would take control of
The Barletta Declaration – Making Natural Preventive Health a Human Right
CULTUREOn October 19, 2014, a memorable event took place in Southern Italy in the historic town of Barletta. Addressing the audience and the people of
Former Ukrainian PM Elena Bondarenko’s Open Letter to the Citizens of the World
WORLDElena Bondarenko, silenced in the Ukrainian Parliament, published an open letter to the public. It's a voice nowhere to be heard in the Western press.