WAR & PEACENATO Defence Ministers wrapped up two days of talks in Brussels on Thursday, which marked progress in creating four NATO battalions in the Baltic States
The War Against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex Isn’t Telling You About Russia
WAR & PEACEBOOK. In the West, politicians and journalists of all stripes have referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "thug", a "tyrant", a "murderer", a
Sweden-NATO agreement steps up hostility against Russia – US’ proxy war in Europe looming
WAR & PEACEWARZONE. To claim that Sweden can sign the so called Host Nation Support Agreement with NATO, while still sticking to its centenary policy of neutrality
John Pilger: ”Silencing America as it prepares for war”
WAR & PEACEIn this article the investigative journalist John Pilger paints a dire picture of the present geopolitical status in the world and its near future. New wars
Independent: ”South China Sea dispute: Beijing is ’not afraid of war’ with the US…”
WAR & PEACE"Beijing is 'not afraid of war' with the US - but just what would they be fighting over? War of rhetoric reaches new levels..."
Abby Martin explores the history of anti-communism in America and the origin of wars
WAR & PEACE"The Empire (US) has a range of weapons to maintain its power: from it's courts to it's military. But it also has effective ideological weapons.