Movie: The American – George Clooney

FILMAlone among assassins, Jack (Clooney) is a master craftsman. When a job in Sweden ends he vows to his contactor that his next assignment will be his last.

Movie: I am Love – Tilda Swinton

FILMEmma (Tilda Swinton), the matriarch of a wealthy Milanese family, lives in a ordered world where her duty towards the family dominates. But a chance encounter ignites long repressed passions.

Dean Radin on Quantum Physics and parapsychology

KULTURDo telepathy, clairvoyance and other "psi" abilities exist? The majority of the general population believes that they do, and yet fewer than one percent of mainstream academic institutions have any faculty known for their interest in these frequently reported experiences.

Michael Talbot – Holographic Realities

KULTURThe mathematics that the brain apparently uses for memory are the same as those used in creating a hologram, says Michael Talbot in this interview recorded shortly before his untimely death.

Thomas Campbell: Physics, Metaphysics, Consciousness Part 1

KULTURPhysicist and consciousness researcher, Thomas Campbell, Discusses the nature of reality in terms of consciousness -- this video logically and scientifically explains the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, philosophy and theology.