utkast[caption id="attachment_21153" align="alignright" width="200"] National Intelligence Council - Emblém[/caption] Den amerikanska organisationen National Intelligence Councils prognos ”Global trends 2030” beskriver mänsklighetens framtid. Men se upp,
Radiointervju om teaterprojektet Fru Josefin
utkastDen 3 december pratade jag med bildspelsproducenten och legenden Kurt Hjelte om vad som hade flutit under Stockholms broar sedan sist. Det var ett mycket
Dr Annika Dahlqvist om övermedicinering av äldre
utkastAnnika: I Efter Tio idag: Äldre får så mycket mediciner att de kan dö. Göran Sjönell sade i inslaget att läkarna bör ha en checklista
Kosmas Loumakis: Greece is dying – Suicides are skyrocketing
utkastThe number of suicides are skyrocketing in Greece. The Greek people have undoubtedly been hit very hard by the austerity cuts which have led to
US States petitions to leave The United States of America
utkastCBSNEWS. They don't want to take their country back. They just want to leave USA behind. As the dust settles in the wake of President
Nothing special will happen December 21, 2012 except crossing the Galactic Equator
utkastWell, here we are 43 days out from the much debated date of 21/12/12. Let's knock one furphy on the head straight away. The Maya NEVER