ENGLISH[caption id="attachment_55389" align="alignright" width="300"] Gerald Celente, own work[/caption] As evidenced in our Trend Alerts, we were among the first to warn that worsening economic instability
Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente was first to forecast Trump victory. What’s next?
VÄRLDEN[caption id="attachment_63519" align="alignright" width="200"] Gerald Celente, Trends Journal[/caption] As the Trends Research Institute repeatedly forecast, Donald J. Trump, riding a global-rising wave of anti-establishment and
Gerald Celente’s trends alert: The Panic of 2016
EKONOMIGlobal equity market turmoil following the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the EU is not the cause of the Panic of 2016 that we had
Trend analyst Gerald Celente: Top 10 trends for 2016
VÄRLDENTREND ALERT. What a year 2015 was! Looking back, with neither the economic or geopolitical fronts looking prosperous or peaceful, the aware and awake are
Gerald Celente: Face the facts about terrorism or face World War III
ENGLISH?Following 9/11, the explanations for terror strikes on the World Trade Center and Pentagon had nothing to do with America?s Middle East policy. No, ?America
Gerald Celente: Migrant crises to worsen: Geopolitical and economic fallout to follow
VÄRLDENThe current wave of migrants flooding into Europe is the worst since World War II. The Trends Research Institute forecasts that migrant crisis will dramatically