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Monsanto, Cargill’s Ukraine Takeover Could Open the GMO Floodgates for Europe

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publicerad 4 oktober 2014
- NewsVoice redaktion

MonsantoAlthealthworks.com. That same day the former Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych, was deposed, the fledgling new Ukraine government had miraculously found time to sign a major and complicated deal with the oligarchic U.S. agribusiness behemoth Cargill, who has been in Ukraine for over two decades, according to a Financial Times article.

This came on the heels of the former president Yanukovych rejecting the infamous trade deal with the European Union that just came two months earlier to his overthrow. Unfazed by his decision, as if Cargill was looking through a crystal ball, they went out and paid with all confidence $200 million to buy a stake in Ukraine’s largest land farmer UkrLandFarming which happens to be the world’s eighth largest crop grower and second-largest egg producer.

Read more | Image: Claybennett.com

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