WORLDFollowing the asymmetric punishment inflicted by Israel, all basic infrastructure, schools, mosques, hospitals and 80 per cent of Gaza’s buildings...
Sökresultat / ResultsIsrael
Människor i Israel vittnar om vaccinskador – The Testimonies Project
VÅRDINDUSTRIN[caption id="attachment_131295" align="alignnone" width="900"] Vittnen i Israel berättar om vaccinskador. The Testimonies Project[/caption] NOTERAT. The Testimonies Project skapades för att...
Israel Bans Fluoride in Tap Water
utkastAdding to a growing global movement to acknowledge the serious health risks associated with fluoride exposure, as of August 26,...
Iran Attacks Israel With 200 Ballistic Missiles
WAR & PEACEIran has fired around 200 missiles at Israel, according to the Israel Defense Forces on X. Israel's defense system, “Iron...
Israel fortsätter attackera Syrien
KRIG & FRED[caption id="attachment_96278" align="alignnone" width="800"] Press TV-ankare, 2019. Foto: Press TV[/caption] Kinesiska kanalen CGTN rapporterar att Israel har attackerat iranska mål...
Vita huset tror att Iran förbereder en ballistisk missilattack mot Israel
KRIG & FREDReuters skriver att USA har indikationer på att Iran förbereder sig för att inom kort avfyra en samordnad ballistisk missilattack...
Israel krigsövade mot nästa covidvariant Omega
VÄRLDEN[caption id="attachment_132668" align="alignnone" width="861"] Bild: Israels premiärminister Naftali Bennett (2021-). Foto: Avi Ohayon, Government Press Office (Israel). Licens: CC BY-SA...
US-backed Israel attacked Military Targets in Iran
WAR & PEACEAfter 100 thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and 2600 Lebanese civilians were killed by Israel, the country is now attacking...
Israel presenterar villkoren för att stoppa markinvasionen av Gaza
KRIG & FREDIDF:S svenskättade talesperson Jonathan Conricus presenterade tidigare i dag på australiensk radio villkoren, vars uppfyllande skulle kunna stoppa Israels planerade...
Israel to Relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Europe
MIDDLE EASTIsrael's decision to relocate Palestinians has ignited an international outcry as officials reportedly devised a plan to relocate Palestinians from...