OPINION HijackingHumanity.com och DivergentFilms brings you the limited edition version of The Magnificent Deception, Rob Menard's newest video on the concepts of Freedom, Law, and Commerce,
Turmeric equals exercise in its ability to prevent aging
HEALTH & LIFESTYLEA chemical that naturally occurs in turmeric root [gurkmeja] appears to protect the heart from aging as much as moderate aerobic exercise, according to a trio
Hans Blix: Iraq War was a terrible mistake and violation of UN charter
WAR & PEACECNN Editor's note: Ten years ago the war in Iraq began. This week we focus on the people involved in the war, and the lives that changed forever. Hans Blix was the head of U.N. weapons inspections in Iraq (UNMOVIC) in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion.
Claim: Desperate Geoengineering Project Attempts to Stop Global Warming
CLIMATE & ENVIRONMENT "After receiving more than 70, 000 hits on YouTube, the video of Russ Tanner’s recent interview with Dane Wigington, “The Most Important Topic For
Press Release from NATO: Sweden is One of NATO:s Most Active and Effective Partners
WAR & PEACESweden is a high-capability partner, which has provided valuable support to NATO-led operations mandated by the United Nations.
Former MI5 spy and whistleblower Annie Machon on government crimes
KRIG & FREDEx-MI5 spy/whistleblower Annie Machon on the crimes of the government, and how they are going after innocent people to silence them, so the politicians, bankers,