WAR & PEACEThe other night, I saw George Orwell's '1984' performed on the London stage. Although crying out for a contemporary interpretation, Orwell's warning about the future
Malaysian Airlines MH17 ordered to fly over the East Ukraine Warzone
WAR & PEACEGlobalresearch.ca Malaysian Airlines Confirms that it was Instructed to Fly MH17 at Lower Altitude over East Ukraine. On the matter of MH17’s flight path, Malaysian
Swedes join far-right militias in Ukraine’s fight against rebels
WAR & PEACEIRISH TIMES. Sitting in the shade of a broad pine tree and a pink-and-orange umbrella, two Swedes and a Canadian explain why they are ready
Robert Parry: What did US Spy Satellites see in Ukraine?
WAR & PEACEWARZONE. The famed investigative journalist Robert Parry best known for his role in covering the Iran-Contra affair asks why the US spy-satellite photos haven't been been pressed by
Leaked Rand Corporation memo – Crackdown in Ukraine
WAR & PEACEThis alleged leaked Rand Corporation classified memo is claimed to be leaked to the internet on July 3, 2014.
Japan Builds Alliances and Reshapes Military Arsenal for War With China
WAR & PEACEMedia outlets in Asia reports there are yet more signs Japan is preparing for war with china. Japan is considering future weapon transfers to other Asian