AGA WILSON SHOWDr. Aseem Malhotra joins the Aga Wilson show to tell his story. After his father sadly passed away, he saw...
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Filmen ”V for Vendetta” från 2005 har 5 paralleller med 2020
FILMFILM & POLITIK. "Remember, remember the fifth of November", så inleds ett poem till minne av Guy Fawkes krutkonspiration år...
5G-experimentet gör oss alla till ”passiva rökare” av mikrovågsstrålning
TEKNIKDEBATT. Kerstin Unger Salen, som arbetar med förebyggande cancervård i privat regi, jämför de fält mikrovågsstrålning som människor ofrivilligt och...
Associate professor Olle Johansson: Cars, humans, laws, artificial electromagnetic fields … but what about the future?
ELEKTROSMOG[caption id="attachment_81071" align="alignright" width="800"] Olle Johansson, KI - Foto: NASMS, A. McDowell[/caption] Just imagine if the outdoor temperature would increase...
The ‘Plandemic’ and the Great Awakening – Mikki Willis interviewed by Dr. Mercola
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESIn this interview, filmmaker-turned-author Mikki Willis discusses his two-part film “Plandemic,” which went viral despite being universally censored last year....
Dr. Mercola: A New mRNA Vaccine for Every Respiratory Virus?
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES[caption id="attachment_129359" align="alignnone" width="900"] Dr Joseph Mercola. Press photo[/caption] ANALYSIS. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — a respiratory virus that causes...
The Big Power Grab – Bill Gates Global Health Takeover Is Official
OPINIONWhat is the World Health Organization, and what is it for, really? In the Children's Health Defense (CHD) video above,...
Faktacheck: Innehåller covidvaccin chimpansvirus, foster- och DNA-material?
VÅRDINDUSTRINDe fem huvudspåren för ett vaccin mot SARS-CoV-2 är: virusvektorvaccin, DNA-vaccin, mRNA-vaccin, attenuerade vacciner och proteinbaserade vacciner varav flera aldrig...
Cloud seeding, bevis och syfte – Doktorand TJ Coles, Plymouth University
TEKNIKANALYS. Doktorand TJ Coles vid Plymouth University publicerade i januari 2013 en artikel om cloud seeding, bakomliggande bevis och syfte....
U.S. Congressman on UAP:s: ”I probably needed to get bodies around me pretty soon after making those statements”
SPACE"Yes, these things are real. They're not all-weather balloons. They're not experimental aircraft from this or any other country. Whatever...