Dean Radin on Quantum Physics and parapsychology

KULTURDo telepathy, clairvoyance and other "psi" abilities exist? The majority of the general population believes that they do, and yet fewer than one percent of mainstream academic institutions have any faculty known for their interest in these frequently reported experiences.

Eric Rönnegård - Foto:

Eric Rönnegård: Polisen kan stoppa bränderna

NEWSMILL: ARKIV 2008-2013[caption id="attachment_92714" align="alignnone" width="700"] Eric Rönnegård - Foto:[/caption] Polisen huvuduppgift är enligt polislagen att "främja rättvisa och trygghet". För att lyckas med det måste polisen

Solar cells for windows

VETENSKAPA professor who invented low-cost solar cells that may be incorporated into energy-producing windows has been awarded the Millennium Technology Prize.

John Kasaona – How poachers became caretakers

VÄRLDENIn his home of Namibia, John Kasaona is working on an innovative way to protect endangered animal species: giving nearby villagers (including former poachers) responsibility for caring for the animals. And it's working.