AFRICAThe reality has finally set in for Western powers that Niger is moving away from the colonial manipulation, aggression, and exploitation it has faced in the past.
US-Swedish Military Exercise with a Strategic Message to Russia
WAR & PEACENewsVoice reports from Archipelago Endeavor 23, a joint exercise between the Second Amphibious Battalion and US Marines.
Baya Osborn: A Two-Year Transition to Gabon Elections is Not Reasonable
AFRICA"A 24-month transition period may give the junta-appointed government too much time to consolidate power and suppress opposition."
Analysis by Germán Gorraiz López: The Oil Dependent Europeans
ECONOMYThe Oil Dependent Europeans combined with unusual droughts and floods in the traditional world breadbaskets and the consequent application of restrictions on the export of
Debatt: Byts kronan mot euron får vi överstatlighet, stigande priser och mindre kontroll
EKONOMI"En gemensam penningpolitik leder till en gemensam EU-skatt som på sikt leder till en superstat. Det är en fara för demokratin."
Tucker Carlson: Den globala ekonomin kan vara i allvarlig fara
EKONOMII det senaste avsnittet "Tucker on X" reser Tucker Carlson till Argentina för att få en glimt av hur USA:s och Europas framtid kan bli.