MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES[caption id="attachment_138954" align="alignnone" width="900"] Global Covid Summit, 11 maj 2022.[/caption] Intro by Dr. Robert Malone: Below is a letter signed...
Sökresultat / ResultsGreat Reset
Andre Vltchek: Several reasons why West Papua should get its freedom immediately
KRIG & FRED[caption id="attachment_104236" align="alignnone" width="900"] André Vltchek. Foto: Paul S. Graham[/caption] Andre Vltchek, an investigative journalist, explains that: "Indonesia has proven,...
Geert Vanden Bossche: ”We must halt all ongoing Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns”
OPINIONWe must halt all ongoing Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns as a temporary health benefit to the most vulnerable groups does...
What is “Debt-Trap 2.0” Narrative? And Why Is Zambia the Battleground?
AFRICAFollowing the publication of my article “The End of Fukuyama and Debt Trap 2.0”, many readers asked for further explanation...
Robert Malone: Se upp för det censurindustriella komplexet
VÄRLDENRobert Malone konstaterar att det censurindustriella komplexet är ett avancerat och globalt påverkansprojekt med målet att kontrollera berättandet och människor...
G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport
WORLD As noted by former U.S. Rep. Dr. Ron Paul in the video above, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus...
Sri Lanka: This battered resplendent isle
WORLD[caption id="attachment_133896" align="alignnone" width="900"] Omar S. Kahn, press photo[/caption] OPINION. The emails and messages keep “pinging,” people asking with earnest...
Kapitalism och kommunism är samma globala konspiration – Neo-marxism Del 3
VÄRLDENDEBATT. Många känner inte till feminismens ursprung och dess koppling till den neo-marxistiska härskartekniken. Nedan lite citat från ledande marxister...
Allt fler länder och kineser vänder sig emot kommunistpartiets tyranni
VÄRLDEN[caption id="attachment_115207" align="alignnone" width="696"] Kinesiska kommunistpartiets kongress. Foto: Dong Fang. Licens: Public Domain[/caption] HISTORIA & DEBATT. Deng Xiaoping var den...
“Yes, Prime Minister” Stefan Löfven, but no! This is not good enough!
TECHNOLOGYIn the world-famous theatre play “Hamlet, Prince of Danmark”, by William Shakespeare, an officer of the Elsinore Kronborg palace guard...