AFRICABurkina Faso Gold will not be exploited by France. "The youngest African president, Captain Ibrahim Traore, has decided that Burkina...
Sökresultat / ResultsBurkina Faso
Burkina Faso To Receive Further Russian Military Assistance and Instructors
AFRICAAccording to Russian official media, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated recently that Russia would be sending more military equipment and...
Burkina Faso’s Security is a Priority, not Elections
AFRICAThe country is in urgent need of security. Postponing elections is a prudent move by President Traore to promote the...
Baya Osborn: An Attempted Coup on Burkina Faso’s Sovereignty Fails
AFRICAThe military government shared a notice saying it had thwarted a coup on Wednesday. External forces coordinated by Western forces...
Coup Attempt in Burkina Faso Probably Averted by Russian Intelligence
AFRICA"There has been a serious coup attempt in Burkina Faso. Reportedly, the coup plotters have been arrested. This is actually...
President Ibrahim Traoré ska återta Burkina Faso från Frankrikes våld med stöd av Ryssland
KINADen nya juntapresidenten Ibrahim Traoré som nu kastar ut alla utlänningar från Burkina Faso berättar under Russia Africa Summit 2023...
TeleSUR: Gemensam militär Sahel-styrka från Niger, Burkina Faso och Mali ska bekämpa terrorism
AFRIKAEn gemensam militär Sahel-styrka bestående av 5000 soldater från Niger, Burkina Faso och Mali kommer snart att sättas in i...
Baya Osborn: Kuppförsök mot Burkina Fasos suveränitet misslyckades
AFRIKAMilitärregeringen i Burkina Faso meddelade på onsdagen att man hade avvärjt ett kuppförsök mot juntan. Yttre krafter som samordnas av...
Analysis: West to Fight Terrorists Defending African Countries Against Western Terrorists
AFRICANewsVoice recently reported that Russian intelligence has accused the US of planning to eliminate the Nigerian junta's leader. In recent...
A New African Economic Bloc of the Sahel States Unfolds
AFRICAWhat you see unfolding is a new ECONOMIC bloc of Sahel states that will have nothing to do with France...