TECHNOLOGYSYNTHETIC HUMANS. Elon Musk says humans can’t beat artificial intelligence (AI) and very soon AI will be superior to human intelligence. We will become trivials.
Aga Wilson
Alix Mayer: ”Covid Shot Regret” – People are Waking Up as Knowledge is Accumulated Worldwide
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESCOVID SHOT REGRET. Alix Mayer from Children's Health Defense says many doctors and private citizens are waking up to the risks with the covid injections.
Humanitarian advocate Mari Malek: Think twice before you donate to big NGO’s
AFRICAWORLD. The humanitarian advocate Mari Malek from South Sudan says that people should think twice before they give money to big humanitarian organizations. Donations to
Advokat och tidigare israelisk IT-officer: 5G-strålning är farlig
ELEKTROSMOG ELEKTROSMOG. Advokaten Dafna Tachover är chef för projektet 5G och Wireless Harms som drivs av Children's Health Defense (CHD), en ideell organisation med Robert
Attorney and former Israeli defense officer: 5G radiation is dangerous
TECHNOLOGY FREE VOICE. Dafna Tachover is the Director of the 5G and Wireless Harms Project of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a non-profit organization chaired
Dr. Robert Malone interviewed on the current covid crisis by Aga Wilson
VÅRDINDUSTRINVACCINES. In this interview with Dr. Robert Malone, we discuss the challenges with the mRNA vaccines and the spike proteins. We go into the logic