VÄRLDENInte långt efter att EU-ländernas ledare satte målet att TTIP-avtalet ska vara klart i år, skrotas planerna. I stället satsar de på att vara klara
Henrik G
Glenn Greenwald – Whats scarier: terrorism or governments blocking websites?
KRIG & FREDTHE INTERCEPT. The French Interior Ministry on Monday ordered that five websites be blocked on the grounds that they promote or advocate terrorism. “I do
DN: Bråk mellan Jan Guillou och Micael Bindefeld i P1
SVERIGEDN. Jan Guillou retade upp flera paneldeltagare när han var med i P1 Debatt på söndagen. Ilsknast blev Micael Bindefeld. ”Nu blir jag så jävla
The Guardian: ”What is the average penis size? Find out with this interactive graphic”
LIVSSTILTHE GUARDIAN. What is the average penis size? A new study has produced a chart to determine where a man’s penis size falls in relation
LA Times: ”Found: A massive world with four suns”
VETENSKAPLA TIMES. Astronomers have discovered a giant planet with four suns just 125 light-years from Earth. The exoplanet is at least 10 times as big
AFRICOM: Help or a hindrance?
AFRIKAAFRICAN GLOBE. General David M. Rodriguez, who heads up the United States Africa Command, or AFRICOM, is the continent’s most powerful man. He is also