RESORFlygarrangören Freedom Airway och Freedom Travel Alliance (FAFTA) vill bygga upp turistindustrin där privatpersoner ska kunna resa igen under normala...
Sökresultat / ResultsFreedom Airway
Michael Huckabee: Almost more freedom in North Korea than US
utkastMSNBC. The Republican presidential primary is up and running in New Hampshire, where conservative prospects lined up in Manchester Saturday...
Manifestation for Freedom and Truth in Stockholm – Small but Positive and Energetic
SWEDENThe people that took part at the event in Stockholm on the first of May are generally critical of the...
Mysterious deaths of American freedom activists
utkastAdding to the list of mysterious deaths that have happened over the last few days, internet visionary and brilliant internet...
Swedish Freedom Movement – Interview with Max Winter
WORLDWORLD. Aga Wilson interviewed the founder of the Swedish Freedom Movement. Winter explains the driving forces, the reasons for it,...
Defend the freedom of the press – Break the silence about Iraq
ENGLISHOPINION. Eighteen years have passed since Iraq was invaded and occupied in 2003 by the United States, supported mainly by...
Trust & Freedom tar upp kampen mot WHO:s försök att gripa makten över världens folk
OPINIONDr Mattias Desmet och EU-parlamentarikern Christine Andersson lanserade nyligen tillsammans med fem andra parlamentsledamöter ett europeiskt medborgarinitiativ kallat "Trust &...
Truckers – Sweden’s Freedom Convoys Starts – Weekend Protests in Stockholm
SWEDENSWEDISH FREEDOM TRUCKERS. During this weekend starting today Sweden will have several Freedom Convoys to gather in the Capital. Truckers...
Insamlingen är avslutad – Aga Wilson ska rapportera från Health & Freedom Expo 2023 i Florida
MEDIAAga Wilson åker för att rapportera från Health & Freedom Expo i Florida för NewsVoice. Vi behöver ditt stöd för...
Catherine Austin Fitts: Clues on How to Recapture Individual Freedom and Ditch the Global Control Grid
HEALTH & LIFESTYLEAga Wilson interviews Catherine Austin Fitts an American investment banker based in Tennessee. The main subject is different ways of...