HÄLSANatural News. In this important note to all Natural News fans and readers, I explain why every branch of holistic...
Sökresultat / ResultsFreedom Airway
Stockholm Protest against corona restrictions 6 March 2021 Stockholm – World Freedom Alliance
VÄRLDENThere were protests against the corona restrictions in Sweden on March 6, 2021. The protest was by default negatively portrayed...
Carl Carl Bildt: Total Surveillance Doesn’t Harm Freedom of Speech, Because it is Covert
MEDIAThe Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt has claimed that the blanket net wiretapping already being performed by the...
Global Health Influencers are Hopeful for the Year 2023
HEALTH & LIFESTYLEAga Wilson reports from the Health and Freedom Expo in Florida for NewsVoice. The event brought together leading experts who...
Kevin D. Jenkins: Modern Day Slavery of all Races and the Covid Narrative
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESKevin D. Jenkins and I discuss the covid passports, modern-day slavery of all races, and how we are all targeted....
Youtubes VD fick pris för åsiktsfrihet – 99,6% ger tumme ner
MEDIAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDcvPf78g1k NOTERAT. Free Expression Awards som arrangeras av Freedom Forum Institute delar varje år ut priser till individer som man...
Julian Assange lämnar nytt förhör – ”Stay strong” ropar supporters
KRIG & FREDhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0G5wbk4klA NOTERAT. WikiLeaks grundare Julian Assange lämnade igår fredag Westminster Magistrates Court i en polisbuss efter att han förhörts preliminärt....
USA: Authorities want to hunt down people refusing vaccines
VÅRDINDUSTRINMIKE ADAMS: The war against defenders of vaccine exemption rights and medical freedom has just crossed the line. The New...
Hur ska mainstream media förkasta sexslavarnas vittnesmål? Är de också konspirationsteoretiker?
OPINIONJesse Watters på Fox intervjuar Tim Ballard, en tidigare agent på myndigheten Homeland Security och specialiserad på att frita barn...
Filip Sjostrom – First Swedish Citizen to be Fined due to the National Pandemic Law
ENGLISHhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPB_4EhzDdA WORLD NEWS. The Swedish activist Mr Filip Sjostrom is the first citizen in Sweden to be fined due to...