Dokumentär: "7/7 Ripple Effect" om London-bombningarna

KRIG & FREDDokumentären "7/7 Ripple Effect" beskriver metodiskt och detaljerat hur London-bombningen 2007 tycks ha varit en så kallad "False flag operation" dvs en terrorattack där de ansvariga som pekades ut inte var de som egentligen planerade den.

Open Leaks - Skärmdump: The Daily Maverick

OpenLeaks, brought to you by the WikiLeaks’ defectors

VÄRLDENAfter falling out with WikiLeaks spokesman Julian Assange in September, a group of former insiders at the now-notorious whistle-blower site are about to launch their own project, OpenLeaks. Its founders hope to serve the mission of bringing down corrupt regimes and organisations better.

David Morehouse - Image grab from Fox 6 News

Historia: David Morehouse medger amerikanskt PSI Ops program

KULTURFrom 1987 to 1991, Dr. David Morehouse was assigned to several highly classified special access programs in the US Army’s Intelligence Security Command and the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Science and Technology as a top secret Psychic Spy, a Remote Viewer.

Shakespeare’s mystical thriller: The Tempest

FILMIn her big-screen adaptation of Shakespeare's mystical thriller "The Tempest", Julie Taymor brings an original dynamic to the story by changing the gender of the sorcerer Prospero into the sorceress Prospera.