KRIG & FREDDEBATT. Att påstå att vi kan gå med på det s.k. ”värdlandsavtalet” med NATO och ändå förbli ”alliansfria” är språklig...
Sökresultat / ResultsFull Spectrum Dominance
The Real Reasons Behind the Ukraine War: Oil and Gas Dominance – Dr. Shiva Explains
VÄRLDENUKRAINE WAR. There is a smoke screen put in place to divert the public as well as Big Media and...
NSA may not know full extent of Snowden leaks
KRIG & The US intelligence may never know the extent of classified information that former NSA contactor Edward Snowden collected from...
Elbilen Tesla Model S klarar krashtest med full pott
TEKNIKWIRED. The Tesla Model S may be the safest vehicle ever tested by the feds. So safe, in fact, that...
White House petition: Demand a full congressional investigation of UAP Disclosure
RYMDFARTDemand a full congressional investigation of [UAP] Disclosure efforts by the Clinton OSTP - the Rockefeller Initiative Go to White...
Mary Bottari, PR Watch: Full-Catastrophe Banking in 2011
ECONOMYECONOMY. With a $4.7 trillion dollar bailout under their belts with no harm done to their billion-dollar bonuses, don't expect...
Historiker Kevin Galalae: Depopulationsprogram i full sving för att lösa befolkningsexplosionen
VÄRLDEN[caption id="attachment_133557" align="alignnone" width="900"] Kevin Galalae (2018). Foto: John Rice[/caption] VÄRLDEN. Ett ämne som under 1970 till 1990-talet var ett...
Dr. Robert Malone: Let’s Start Doxing the World Economic Forum – Full video
WORLDTHE WORLD. "We need to out these people. I mean, [the term that is used] is doxing. As far as...
The Vaccine Passport Dilemma Part 2: The Vaccine Passport and Technocratic Dominance
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES[caption id="attachment_126598" align="alignnone" width="800"] Nate Doromal. Private photo[/caption] OPINION. In Part 1 of this series, we looked at how vaccine passports...
Allt fler journalister blir NATO-människor – Beredskapsjournalistik i full sving
MEDIANOTERAT: SvD:s pro-NATO-kampanj fortsätter med oförminskad styrka. Ryssland är som vanligt roten till allt ont och NATO är som alltid...