VETENSKAPTED.COM: "After due diligence, including a survey of published scientific research and recommendations from our Science Board and our community,...
Sökresultat / Resultssheldrake
Paranormal researcher Rupert Sheldrake tries to find out if people can tell when someone is listening to them
ENGLISHRupert Sheldrake is taking part in a nine-part, three-month long dialogue with Michael Shermer, editor of "The Skeptic", head of the...
Rupert Sheldrake’s comments on the recent TED YouTube pull
utkastNews Release from Rupert Sheldrake Online | India, March 15 2013 I am currently travelling in India with my wife Jill,...
Rupert Sheldrake om hur ”The Guerrilla Skeptics” förstör Wikipedia
VETENSKAPNOTERAT. Forskaren Rupert Sheldrake skriver att efter att han kritiserat en grupp som kallar sig "The Guerrilla Skeptics" utsattes Wikipedia-sidan om...
Rupert Sheldrake håller föredrag om parapsykologi på ABF: ”Setting Science Free” – 12 oktober Stockholm – Annons
VETENSKAPRupert Sheldrake är en världsledande forskare inom parapsykologi. Sheldrake har blivit mycket uppmärksammad i internationella medier, men han är också...
Rupert Sheldrake on Guerilla Skeptics and Wikipedia
VETENSKAPLast month, I gave a technical seminar at the newly-opened Sainsbury Laboratory, in Cambridge University, on the plant hormone auxin,...
Rupert Sheldrake’s Response to the TED Scientific Board’s Statement
KULTURRupert Sheldrake March 18, 2013 I would like to respond to TED’s claims that my TEDx talk “crossed the line...
”The Science Delusion” a Banned TED Talk by Rupert Sheldrake
SCIENCE"Ten years ago, in January 2013, I gave my TEDx talk on The Science Delusion, which was later ‘banned’ by...
Rupert Sheldrakes föredrag ”The Science Delusion” censurerades av TED
VETENSKAPNewsVoice har tidigare skrivit om kontroversen mellan forskaren Rupert Sheldrake och föredragsarrangören TED som censurerade Sheldrakes föredrag "The Science Delusion"....
TED’s suppression of Rupert Sheldrakes and Graham Hancock talks still creates waves
VETENSKAPThe controversy caused by TED's suppression of Rupert Sheldrake's TEDx talk, along with that of Graham Hancock, has been causing ever-wider...