KULTURA hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by PANArt in Switzerland. The hang is sometimes referred to as a hang drum. The hang is made from two deep drawn nitrided steel sheets that are attached together creating the recognizable double saucer shape.
Placebo stronger than pharmaceuticals study finds
HEALTH & LIFESTYLEA new study showes many pharmaceuticals only work because people expect them to, not because they have any "real" chemical effect on the body. Many medications therefore proved to be completely worthless.
Hesham Bahari: Mubaraks tal ett hån mot folket
AFRIKAMubarak är en komplex figur. Från stridspilot, chef för flygvapnet till vicepresident under Sadat och nu den högsta posten på livstid. ”Jag vill dö i Egypten.” Men han lät bli att nämna i sitt tal de hundratals demonstranter som hans säkerhetsapparat tog livet av under veckan.
Andrew Wakefield Exposes Fraudulent Data on Autism and Vaccines
HÄLSAAndrew Wakefield (born 1957) is a British former surgeon and medical researcher known for his research on the connection between vaccines, autism and autistic enterocolitis. The latter controversial term was created by Wakefield to describe a form of inflammatory bowel disease.
Dagens Nyheter: Vaccinering kan ge narkolepsi
VÅRDINDUSTRINAv 60 barn i Finland mellan 4 och 19 år som under 2009 och 2010 drabbades av sjukdomen var 52 vaccinerade, enligt finska hälsovårdsmyndigheten THL. Det innebär en nio gånger förhöjd risk för barn som vaccinerats.
Vaccin – International Medical Council avslöjar vilseledande vaccinpropaganda
VÅRDINDUSTRINThe International Medical Council on Vaccination has released a groundbreaking document containing the signatures of over 80 family physicians, brain surgeons etc stating that vaccines pose a significant risk of harm to the health of children.