VÅRDINDUSTRINBBC. US-based big pharma giant Pfizer has made the first compensation payment to Nigerian families affected by the controversial vaccine...
Sökresultat / Results National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Should You Take the Covid Vaccine Causing Injury and Death?
OPINIONIf the COVID vaccine is causing injury and death at an alarming rate, should those not yet vaccinated reconsider getting...
”National Academy of Sciences” medger att geoengineering-program testas
KLIMAT MILJÖ NATURGEOENGINEERING. Shepard Ambellas på Intellihub skriver i artikeln: "NAS committee admits in a roundabout way that [cloud seeding] programs exist" från...
South Korea gives 25,000 USD in Compensation to Families of Covid Injection Victims
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESSouth Korea approves an unconditional compensation of 25,000 USD for anyone whose family member died within 90 days of a...
Wired’s pro-vaccine story: ”California is now the perfect test lab for vaccine laws”
VÅRDINDUSTRINGovernor Jerry Brown signed [June 30, 2015] a bill into law that will ban the use of religious and personal...
The CDC vaccine scandal – A Vaccine Whistleblower Problem
VÅRDINDUSTRINI’m not part of the vaccine debate about whether they cause autism. I don’t have kids and frankly, I really...
An updated estimation of civil casualties killed by drone strikes – An injury-epidemiology & human rights report
KRIG & FREDThe International Committee of the Red Cross establishes clearly in Rule 7 of “Customary International Humanitarian Law”: [1] “The parties of...
The Vaccine Passport Dilemma: How the Vaccine Passport Exacerbates Existing Inequalities In Society
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESOPINION. We all want to get back to normal. The Biden administration said we can “get back to normal by...
The Vaccine Passport Dilemma Part 2: The Vaccine Passport and Technocratic Dominance
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES[caption id="attachment_126598" align="alignnone" width="800"] Nate Doromal. Private photo[/caption] OPINION. In Part 1 of this series, we looked at how vaccine passports...
Claes Elfsberg: ”SVT borde ha ett mediegranskande program”
MEDIASecond Opinion. Nyhetsankaret Claes Elfsberg saknar ett mediegranskande program och ett webbforum där tittarna kan debattera nyhetsinnehållet i SVT. Han...