VÅRDINDUSTRINDagensmedicin.se: Mer än hälften av medlemmarna i paneler som tog fram medicinska riktlinjer hade ekonomiska kopplingar till läkemedelsindustrin, enligt en ny studie. Kopplingarna mellan läkare
NewsVoice redaktionen
Occupy London activists marked as terrorists
ENGLISHGuardian.co.uk: "A notice sent out to businesses in the City of London has listed the protest movement among groups such as al-Qaida and Farc. Police
Court decision: German parliament must release undisclosed UAP-study
utkastThe Administrative Court of Berlin has decided that the German parliament, the "Deutsche Bundestag", has to give access to a so far secret official report
Exoplanet Kepler 22-b offers best hope yet for a new Earth
VETENSKAPGuardian.co.uk: Nasa discovers planet that is about 2.4 times the size of our own and lies in the 'Goldilocks zone' of its solar system. A new
American Warning from 2008 is really about now 2011-2012
utkastThis video clip American Warning from 2008 is really about now 2011-2012
Föreningen Homeopater utan gränser, startas i Sverige
utkastDen 17 december 2011 startar den svenska förgreningen av, homeopater utan gränser, som kommer ligga under paraplyorganisationen Homeopathy World Wide. Föreningen kommer att ha som